
The Best Dog Food For Dobermans

Doberman laying next to spilled food bucket

Choosing the right dog food for Dobermans is important to their health and well-being. As large dogs, their dietary requirements vary slightly from smaller breeds and the breed itself is prone to a heart condition called dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) so owners should make sure their food isn’t likely to exacerbate this. Our vet advisor, Dr. […]

The Best Dog Couch Beds and Dog Sofa Beds

Corgi lying on a dog sofa bed

Dog sofas and couches are beds for dogs that look like mini couches. They’re ideal if you want a dog bed that will look stylish in a main living area or if your dog prefers to sleep on slightly elevated beds. These products have been selected by our vet advisor, Dr. Amanda Jondle. Her top […]

The Best Husky Harness

Husky on Harness

If you’re the pup parent of a husky, you’ll know that these athletic and strong-willed dogs require a little more attention and control than some other breeds, particularly during walks. Husky harnesses are the best option for keeping your dog safe while avoiding injuries to both of you. A well-fitted harness will also give you […]

The Best Cat Foods for Allergies

The Best Cat and Kitten Foods for Allergies

Cat foods for allergies are often one of the first things your veterinarian may recommend when you think your cat might be suffering from allergies. Cat foods for allergies use minimal ingredients and usually have just one source of carbohydrates and hydrolyzed protein sources or novel protein sources other than beef, fish, and chicken that […]

The Best Cat Ear Cleaner

Cleaning Cat's Ear

Cats tend to be pretty good at cleaning themselves but they’re not always very effective at cleaning the inside of their ears, which makes cat ear cleaners very helpful. These cleaning solutions help you clean out all the nooks and crannies inside the ear that even the most fastidious of cats will find it difficult […]

The Best Cat Nail Clippers

Image of cat nail clippers clipping a cat's nails

Trimming your cat’s nails may not be at the top of your to-do list, but at-home grooming is a good way to stay on top of your pet’s health and physical condition. Cat nail clippers are a good tool to have in your collection of pet care products. There are many types of cat nail […]

The Best Cat Backpacks & Cat Carriers

Cat in Backpack

Some cats may seem aloof, but many enjoy traveling in a cat backpack just as much as a dog likes a leash. Cat backpacks (aka “cat backpack carriers” or “cat carriers”) provide a safe, convenient way for your favorite feline to hit the trails, or beach, or take a trip to the vet. That said […]

The Best In Ground Dog Fence

Dog playing outside wearing an in-ground fence collar

In-ground dog fences allow you to keep your dog safe within a perimeter without the unsightly above-ground fences that are traditionally used for containment. Considering how often Homeowner’s Associations prohibit those types of fences, in-ground fences are becoming more popular than ever. But where do you start? Don’t worry, we have all the information you […]

The Best Cat Cave Beds

Cat sleeping in a cozy cave bed

Cat cave beds can be perfect for cats that like to hide and snuggle. They can be a particularly great fit if you have a noisy household, multiple pets, or live somewhere where you need to worry about protecting your cat from getting too cold. Not only do these beds provide some level of privacy […]

The Best Collar for Poodles

Best dog collar for Poodles

Different collars are often better or worse for different breeds of dogs. I have a new puppy we brought home months ago who is an 85-pound Bernedoodle and we have an older miniature wire-haired Dachshund. I can tell you one thing: they can not wear the same types of collars. The size of the dog […]

The Best Brush for Australian Shepherds

Australian Shepherd

It’s important to choose the right brush for Australian Shepherds due to their hair coat and frequent shedding. The coloring and softness of an Australian Shepherd’s coat are one reason many pet parents fall in love with this breed. It has two layers, helping keep your pet warm in winter and cool in summer – […]

Spotlight On: Claire Chew, Pet Loss Consultant

claire chew pet loss consultant

Claire Chew is a pet loss consultant who specializes in helping pet owners who have experienced the death of a pet. Claire is a certified compassion fatigue specialist and life transition/grief coach who has helped hundreds of people heal from trauma so they can become the best version of themselves. Before becoming a pet loss […]

Spotlight On: Animal Welfare Association

animal welfare association of new jersey

If you are a pet owner in New Jersey looking for cost-effective, quality pet welfare services, Animal Welfare Association may be your answer. About Animal Welfare Association (AWA) Animal Welfare Association (AWA) is a private, non-profit organization located in South Jersey committed to eliminating animal suffering, promoting bonds between humans and animals, and supporting pets’ […]

How to Measure Your Dog for a Harness

How to measure your dog for a harness

Dog harnesses may be used for identification, walking, or training assistance. Various types of harnesses are available for different purposes and different dogs. However, regardless of the type of harness used, it must always fit properly to ensure the dog is securely but comfortably held. Read on to learn more about harnesses and how to […]

Do Cats Control Their Tails? (Everything You Need to Know)

Do cats control their tails?

You have probably seen your cat swinging its tail in all different directions, and sometimes his tail is down and other times upright. This might have you wondering whether cats control their tails. Cats can control their tails. They use it for balance, hunting, and communication. For example, if a cat is happy, it will […]

Cat Foaming at the Mouth: Reasons & What to Do

Cat foaming at the mouth

Seeing your cat foaming at the mouth or throwing up white foam can be horrifying. We all love our furry felines, so it’s terrible to see them ill. So, why is your cat foaming at the mouth? Cats can foam at the mouth for various reasons, including rabies, dental disease, nausea, and poisoning. If it […]

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Then Lick Me? (10 Reasons)

Why Does My Cat lick and bite me?

There you are, hanging out with your adorable cat, when suddenly there is a bite followed by licking. Then sometimes she’s licking you, then bites. Is this a love/hate relationship or something else? A Cat that lightly bites its person followed by a lick or the other way around is typically to communicate adoration. Cats […]

Why is My Cat So Clingy? (5 Reasons)

Why is my cat so clingy?

You are a cat owner that cannot do anything in peace because your cat is clingy and your second shadow. When you’re in the bathroom, they scratch at the door or meow to enter. If that sounds like a feline you know, you may want to know why your cat is so clingy. Cats can […]

Can Cats Have Whipped Cream? (Everything You Need to Know)

Can cats have whipped cream?

Some cats are picky eaters, so it is difficult to say no to your feline friend when you find something they seem to love. However, if you have noticed that your cat loves dairy products like whipped cream, you might wonder if feeding it to him is safe. Whipped cream is not toxic to cats […]

Can Cats Eat Cucumbers? (Everything You Need to Know)

Can cats eat cucumbers?

Cats are usually fussy eaters, and because they are strictly carnivores in the wild, it might be strange to see your feline friend try new options. Some foods are unsafe for your kitty but can cats eat cucumbers? Cats can safely eat cucumbers in limited quantities. Cucumbers are naturally hydrating and contain 95% water. Cucumbers […]

Fi Smart Dog Collar Review

FI smart collar review

The Fi smart dog collar is a high-tech collar that lets you monitor your dog’s activity, health, sleep, and safety. Its GPS, LTE, and wifi connections allow you to track your dog at home, in the yard, or the wild should they ever escape. The collar also lets you track things like steps and sleep, so you […]

The Farmer’s Dog Review

Farmer's Dog reviews

Farmer’s Dog food is a popular choice among pet owners looking to serve their dogs high-quality ingredients without unnecessary fillers, preservatives, and dyes. Many customers report significant and noticeable improvements in their pet’s appearance, energy, and health. For those that can fit Farmer’s Dog food into their budget, it can be an excellent addition to […]

The Farmer’s Dog vs. NomNomNow vs. Ollie

Ollie Dog Food ingredients

As a dog owner, you know the importance of feeding your dog a healthy, balanced, and nutritional diet. But with so many different brands and options out there, it can be hard to know what to choose. We’ve put together this comparison of three popular brands: Nom Nom, Ollie, and Farmer’s Dog food. We’ll look […]

How Long Does It Take to Potty Train a Puppy?

How long does it take to potty train a puppy?

Typically, it takes anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks with careful supervision to potty train a puppy. A new puppy makes an exciting addition to any family. Puppies are much like human babies. They’re not capable of fully controlling their bodies, including their bowels, for the first few months of life. Aligning your expectations with […]

Dog (or Puppy) Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Puppy Get?

How big will my puppy get? Puppy / dog growth chart

Though every breed (and mix of breeds) is different, some general guidelines can help you track your puppy’s growth. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy (or dog) growth chart. Puppy Growth Chart Fully Grown: […]

Kitten and Cat Growth Chart

How big will your kitten get? Kitten / cat growth chart

A kitten growth chart can help you decide if you would like to add a furry feline to your family. Though most cats average somewhere between 10 pounds and 18 pounds, one pound on a cat can make a major difference in their health. From the short-haired Abyssinian to the long-haired Maine Coon, cats range […]

Mixed Breed Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Mixed Breed Dog Get?

How big do mixed breeds get? Mixed breed growth chart

Though every mixed-breed dog is different, some general guidelines can help you track your puppy’s growth. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about mixed-breed weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient mixed-breed dog growth chart. The chart shows you a mixed-breed puppy’s monthly average […]

Rottweiler Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Rottweiler Get?

How big will my Rottweiler get? Rottweiler growth chart

If you recently brought home a Rottweiler puppy, there’s one thing you know: It’s going to get big! Just how big will your puppy be when he’s full-grown? We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient Rottweiler […]

Pit Bull Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Pit Bull Get?

How big will my Pitbull get? Pitbull growth chart

We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient pit bull growth chart. You can use this as a reference to see how your puppy compares to the average. The chart shows you a pit bull’s monthly average […]

Australian Shepherd Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Australian Shepherd Get?

How big will my Australian Shepherd get? Australian Shepherd growth chart

Most Aussies are medium-sized dogs, but when you get your new puppy, you may wonder how big he or she will get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this […]

French Bulldog Growth Chart: How Big Will Your French Bulldog Get?

How big will my French Bulldog get? French Bulldog growth chart

If you recently brought home a French Bulldog puppy, you may be wondering how big he will get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient French Bulldog growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

Great Pyrenees Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Great Pyrenees Get?

How big will my Great Pyrenees get? Great Pyrenees growth chart

If you’re the proud owner of a new Great Pyrenees puppy, you know he’s going to get big. The question is: just how big? We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient Great Pyrenees growth chart. You […]

Standard Poodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Standard Poodle Get?

How big will your Standard Poodle get? Standard Poodle Growth Chart

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

Bernedoodle Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Bernedoodle Get?

How big will your Bernedoodle get?

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart—You can use this as a reference to […]

Husky Growth Chart: How Big Will Your Husky Get?

How big will my Husky get? Husky growth chart

As you get to know your new puppy, you may be wondering how big he or she might get. We consulted with our veterinarian, Dr. Jennifer Coates, who reviewed and approved data about puppy weights and sizes, which we then used to create a convenient puppy growth chart. You can use this as a reference […]

How Should a Dog Harness Fit? (Vet’s Guide)

How should a dog harness fit?

Dog harnesses are an alternative to dog collars that can be used for identification, dog walking, or training assistance. Due to safety concerns with dog collars, harnesses are preferred for certain breeds or dogs with certain medical conditions. Multiple types of harnesses are available, so owners should select the one most appropriate for their dog. […]

Home Remedies for a Cat Throwing Up Food

Home remedies for a cat throwing up food

Cats throw up food for many different reasons. Some are serious and require veterinary attention, but others, like eating too much too quickly, can usually be handled with home remedies. If your cat has just vomited once or twice but seems to feel fine otherwise, it’s safe to try some home treatment. But do not […]

4 Home Remedies for a Cat Vomiting Bile

Home remedies for a cat throwing up bile

Bile is a digestive fluid that is made in the liver and secreted into the small intestine. Bile can be seen in a cat’s vomit, giving it a yellow, orange, or even a brown or greenish tinge. You’re more likely to see bile when a cat vomits on an empty stomach, so you’ll often notice […]

What To Do if Your Cat is Vomiting Blood (Call Your Vet!)

What to do when your cat is vomiting blood

Vomiting isn’t all that unusual in cats. Whether it’s because of a hairball or because they ate something unusual, a cat who vomits once or twice but is acting normally doesn’t necessarily need to be rushed to the veterinarian. But the situation is very different if you see blood in your cat’s vomit. If your […]